Services for both Teenagers in Schools and Parents
Coronavirus update:
All sessions can be run as a webinar on Zoom
Empowering Teenagers to Eat Healthily

This interactive session delivered in schools during PSHE lessons helps teenagers:
1. Understand the effects of unhealthy eating and insufficient exercise
2. Be clear what a healthy balanced diet and lifestyle looks like.
3. Avoid emotional overeating and get a more positive mindset.
4. Learn easy practical tips to encourage good eating habits.
The session can be tailored according to the length of the lesson, age of the students and particular interests of the school.
Past topics have included:
Eating for exam success
To be or not to be a vegan?
How to eat well on a budget
Which takeaway is the healthiest?
The influence of peer pressure on eating habits
How to Instil Healthy Eating Habits in our Children

This is intended for parents wanting to ensure their child has a healthy weight. Too many parents worry about tackling weight issues as they fear provoking an eating disorder. Yet being overweight, quadruples the risk of their child developing one.
This session will focus on the 3 key elements:
1. What obesity is, why the traditional way to measure it is outdated and what to do instead.
2. Why we need to emphasise less what we eat and more the psychology of emotional eating.
3. The latest research for children to eat smart and be healthy:
Easy practical tips to encourage good nutrition
How to get your child moving more
How to encourage a positive emotional approach to food
How to prepare the same foods with less calories
Topics include:
Easy practical steps to help fussy eaters
Does childhood dieting work?
How does emotional eating start?
How to reduce the chance of children developing eating disorders
Resistant starches – ‘weight loss wonder foods’